Ensuring The Security Of Your Trailer With The Right Hardware Or Locking Pin

No matter the type of trailer you have, ensuring the security of it is essential. Whether the trailer is parked in your yard, at a storage facility, or attached to your vehicle, there are some things that can help ensure no one can take the trailer from you. Easy latch locks or similar locking pins are one solution that can offer many benefits and ensure your trailer is safe and secure. 

Securing Your Parked Trailer

It is not uncommon for a trailer to sit unused for a few days or longer, and it is essential to ensure that while it is sitting, it is safe. One option to consider is installing easy latch locks in the latch on all your parker trailers. These locks go through the hitch latch to ensure that it can not be opened, preventing anyone from attaching a ball to the trailer and hauling it away. The lock is made from hardened steel, making it very difficult to cut through, so anyone trying to remove it would have to spend a lot of time and make a lot of noise to defeat the lock. 

While the trailer is sitting, you can also place a chain through the wheel hub. This can further slow the would-be thief down and make it impossible to tow the trailer away if they somehow get the latch lock off the trailer. 

Along with the locking pins, there are locks that can cover the tongue of the trailer completely and make it impossible to access. The variety of locking devices you can find for your unattended trailer makes it easier to ensure the trailer is secure, and you can pick one that is easy to install.

Trailers In Tow

When your trailer is attached to your truck or other vehicle, ensuring the security of it is just as crucial as when it is sitting in the yard. Using easy latch locks or some other locking service on the tongue is a good option.

It is also important to consider the connection on the tow vehicle, and opting for a locking receiver pin or similar device is a good choice. The locking pin replaces the standard receiver pin, making it extremely challenging to remove the hitch and ball from your vehicle. Locking the pin to the receiver and using easy latch locks on your trailers can create a barrier that is hard to defeat if someone were to try to steal the trailer. Both parts are easy to mount and will last for years with the proper maintenance and lubrication. 

Contact a local service to learn more about locks, including Demco easy latch locks.
